Completion – Two Types, One Quality
Most Topakustik products are available as planks or panels. Here you will find an overview of features and applications.
Thanks to the precise tongue and groove connection, planks result in an attractive surface with a joint-free appearance, because the connecting joint matches the dimension of the grooves. The planks permit simple and flexible assembly. They can be installed by stapling to a timber batten or clamping to a H/T-bar with turning-clips.
Planks Advantages
- precise tongue and groove connection
- simple assembly
- seemingly joint-less surface
- adequate for assembly on a slatted frame or substructure
Panels are used for removable or structured ceiling and wall finishes. The larger width (compared to the planks) requires a joint between the panels in order to absorb the material expansion. Panels can be fitted with a number of different edges. and are thus also suited for cabinet fronts and room dividers.
Panels Advantages
- simple to assemble/dissemble
- ideal for structured ceiling and wall panelling
- various edge treatments are possible
- perfect for closet fronts or room dividers